The "located" and "stopped" tags are very similar, where the only difference is that the "stopped" tag is used (in addition to "located") when we have confidence of the speed of the device being close to zero.

The "idling" tag is used only when the "stopped" and "ignition" tags have been applied.  If one of those two tags is removed, so is the "idling" tag.

Here's a logical flow of how it works now

Moving - Device is moving faster than specified threshold, example 4 km/hr

Speeding - Device is moving faster than specified threshold, 120 km/hr

Alarm - Digital/Analog input is triggered indicating alarm, example power or temperature value to high or low

Ignition - Digital input used to detect ignition is deemed on

Maintenance - Maintenance is due

Out-of Date - Position is no longer current

PTO - Power Take Off

On Duty - User has clocked in.  Applies to mobile app and Garmin

Off Duty - User has clocked out.  Applies to mobile app and Garmin

Hard Brake - Driver event when more force than normal is applied to the brake/Acceleration threshold is crossed

Hard Accel - Driver event when more force than normal is applied to the accelerator/Acceleration threshold is crossed

Hard Turn - Driver makes a sharp turn/Acceleration threshold is crossed, example 300 milli-gs

Power Disconnected - Device has been disconnected from power source

*When these tags are applied will vary based on how an individual account is set up.  These tags may not be applicable to all accounts and devices.