A targeting pattern is a string that represents an in-the-moment search for objects. The operators used depend entirely on the context of the search, and compatibility with the sub-system.



operator:terms terms


To match all East Coast assets (Asset 1 and 3)

label:east-coast or labels:east-coast or label:"East Coast"

To match all people (Asset 2 and 3)

person:* or people:*

To match Asset 1 specifically


To match assets with the string "Mike" in the name (Asset 3)


To match people labelled East Coast (Asset 3)

person:* label:east-coast

To match all assets labelled East Coast and labelled Head Office (Asset 1)

label:east-coast,head-office or label:east-coast label:head-office

To match all assets labelled East Coast or labelled Head Office (Asset 1, 2, and 3)

label:"East Coast" | label:head-office